UK Vibe Recognises Ubuntu Music's Achievements

Alan Musson writes, “(in) its short life (it) has already built a diverse and enviable roster of artists from widely differing creative backgrounds.”

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“Ubuntu Music is a relatively new record label, which in its short life has already built a diverse and enviable roster of artists from widely differing creative backgrounds. The label was established by businessman Martin Hummel and renowned trumpeter Quentin Collins. During 2019 (Ubuntu Music) issued no less than 29 releases and achieved six ‘Album of the Year’ awards for artists including Leo Richardson, Dave O’Higgins and Rob Luft, Paul Booth and Collins himself. Along with these established names, the label is also home to some of the brightest of the rising stars including ‘Wandering Monster’ and ‘Bonsai Club’. I was particularly pleased to see the American pianist and long-time Kurt Elling collaborator Laurence Hobgood has a home with the label.”

—Alan Musson

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