Great News: Music Royalty Payments Are Actually In Better Shape Than You Think
When it comes to music royalties, there’s always been a clear delineation between royalty payouts for recordings versus payouts for the underlying musical composition. But beyond the top-level differences, there’s also another stunning difference that’s rarely highlighted. According to prominent royalty-focused exec Jeff Price, recording payouts are faring much better than composition payouts due to lower data ambiguity — with a far lower percentage of compositions properly matched to their owners. Here, we look at this often-overlooked bright spot in the music royalty landscape.
Spotify Shares Drop Despite Double-Digit Subscriber Gains — And a Possible Price Hike Ahead
How Well Do You Know the Music Business? Now There’s a Platform That Assesses Your Knowledge & Guides Your Career
From distribution to metadata and crafting websites to promotion, the music industry is more complex than ever. In that thick soup, has developed an all-encompassing platform designed to help artists thrive on the often-overlooked business side — and build lucrative careers in the process.
47 Years of Music Industry Change — In 47 Seconds or Less
Spotify Alternatives Are Steadily Gaining Steam — Though Not Everyone Is Vying to Replace Streaming’s Biggest Dog
As 2021 rolls on, Spotify remains atop the roost of streaming music subscription services. But its market share is suddenly ebbing while the competition is intensifying. Here’s a look at the fastest-growing Spotify alternatives, many of whom have designs on Spotify’s lofty lead. Others, however, are focusing on niches that are increasingly in play as the streaming space matures.