INTERVIEW: ‘Bass-led, rhythmic grooves that tread the line between simplicity and originality’
Jazzwise Magazine - July 2023
Once again, a strong showing for Ubuntu Music artists in this month’s magazine.
Joshua Jaswon Octet + Sharp Little Bones
Bruno Heinen & James Kitchman
Sharp Little Bones
REVIEW: Sharp Little Bones
Jazz Journal’ Barry Witherdon writes, “Producing a double album from a single session of mainly first takes might be expected to result in the inclusion of some relatively lightweight and inessential material, but for my 10 cents there is nothing here that is disposable. Either disc would have made an entirely satisfying album.”
REVIEW: Sharp Little Bones
REVIEW: Sharp Little Bones
LIVE REVIEW: Sharp Little Bones
REVIEW: Sharp Little Bones
Bebop Spoken Here’s Lance Liddle writes, “The sum of all parts makes Sharp Little Bones' prolific recording a must have release and an excellent addition to this year’s musical canon.”
REVIEW: Sharp Little Bones
Sandy Brown Jazz covers Fraser Smith and Sharp Little Bones releases.